On a new home ValueTech FOAM (SPF) Insulation will net you
a CASH savings EVERY MONTH-- from the DAY YOU MOVE IN!

New Home or Old Home: An offer you can't refuse?
You might spend only $1000 to upgrade your existing home with foam, but let’s assume that you can insulate your NEW 7000 or 8,000 sq ft. home with fiberglass for around $6000. To quote another source: "To do the whole house with SPF FOAM could cost as much as $18,500. If you have to pay $12,500 more for the foam than you would for fiberglass insulation then this should add about $83 per month to your mortgage. Now let’s figure that your energy bill is going to run $400 per month. SPF foam throughout your house can actually save you 50% to 70% on bills, not just 40%, but if we can save you only 40% on your bill then you just saved $160. Your net savings will be $77 per month--every month for the life of your mortgage. That's an extra $77 to spend every month." ( Source: http://www.envirosealfoam.com/4types.html They even take it a step further, but we have not included that here.)
THERFORE, which kind of insulation is really more expensive?
What the above calculation means is that the cheapest insulation (fiberglass) turns out to be the most expensive, because it cannot dramatically reduce your energy bills! It may take a while for the reality of this calculation to sink in, but with home energy costs up so dramatically, the smart choice is no longer the cheapest insulation you can buy... but the best insulation you can buy: Spray foam actually turns out to be the least expensive solution because it is 92% efficient --preventing air and moisture infiltration, beyond thermal barrier.
While 50-70% savings is actually possible, let's assume only a 40% savings.
You can estimate your savings using the following calculator (at 40%).

Any insulation can save you money... but even if you finance it, foam insulation is FREE.
Foam insulation will
not only pay for itself,
but make you money.
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ... Monthly utility bills go down MUCH MORE than the monthly cost of the insulation.
You can put the cash difference in the bank.
Even on an exitsing home Value Tech Insulation
will soon pay for itself with the savings
on your heating and air conditioning bills,
See the following Energy Savings Chart:
When will you start saving? Why not start today?
Helping the "Building Green" revolution of energy savings for the planet and the pocket.
See History Channel's video on foam "Modern Marvel" ( 23 MB download)
Serving Metro Atlanta and the Southeast U.S.
770-981-9090 and 404-831-0951
Fax: 678-691-7828
Free estimates
< Type your monthly utilities spending into the energy calculator (below) to see how insulation will pay for itself >
Closed-cell works best here
Either Open-cell or Closed-cell will work here